Hi, I’m Tracy
I’m excited you are here! To learn about the FASTer Way to Fat Loss with me as your coach, go here.
My FASTer Way Story
I had been carrying around those pesky 20 (or more!) pounds on and off for my entire adult life. I thought, “My weight is not THAT BAD.” But I’ve got to tell you, it was not that good either! I had been successful at losing the weight multiple times using different strategies, but in general the day after I reached my goal was the day the new lifestyle was abandoned. Soon the weight reappeared, and often more. My clothes felt tight, and I just didn’t feel good in my own body. When people posted pictures they had taken of me, I was unpleasantly surprised by what I saw. For example, the picture on the left below is one my father-in-law took at my son’s May 2018 high school graduation. If was in charge of any photo opportunity, I would make sure I was the person on the end so I could be sure to crop my arm out of the picture before sharing it.
When I attended a fundraising gala for my favorite non-profit organization, Promise686, I had no idea that at the end of the night I’d be going home after “winning” a round of the FASTer Way to Fat Loss, which my coach had donated in order to raise funds for the organization. I had inadvertently committed myself! Now I actually had to do “another weight loss program”!
To my surprise, I discovered that the FASTer Way was a program I ENJOYED! The food was plentiful and, as a person with a Masters degree in Health Behavior (research focus), the strategies made sense. At the end of the 6 week New Client experience, I was discussing with my husband if I would continue investing in the FASTer Way. I shocked us both when I told him I didn’t see a finish line. The FASTer Way was a program and lifestyle I could continue indefinitely! “No finish line” became one of my FASTer Way catchphrases (my others are “Better than before,” “Memories over macros,” and “Progress not perfection”).
Soon I decided I wanted to share the FASTer Way by becoming a Certified Coach. The FASTer Way had transformed my life and I wanted to be a part of helping others feel the same sense of strength and self confidence! I have been loving coaching the FASTer Way since the first round I launched in April 2019.
I am passionate about helping you get the results you desire! My training includes Psychology and Teaching degrees from Duke University and graduate training in Health Behavior at the University of North Carolina -at Chapel Hill. It would be my pleasure to coach you in the FASTer Way.
Take a chance – you won’t regret it!